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a little bit about teaching....

Teaching can be frustrating. The days when the kids obviously don’t want to be there are the hardest. They just sit there quietly and glare at me. It makes it hard to stay upbeat and energetic. I’m usually in a really good mood when I walk into class, I’m really excited to be there. And most of the time, that mood transfers to the kids, and they’re all happy to be there too and they get really into the lessons. Those are the days that make it all worth it. I can joke with the students and make the lessons more fun, and I’m much more generous when giving stickers. I think level 1 is the easiest to be energetic with, because they’re still young enough to be really excited about going to school, plus they all give me kisses so that’s a plus. Level 2 just stares at me in silence. I ask questions and I feel like I’m talking to a wall. They definitely do not want to be there. Level 3 can be tough sometimes…they speak a lot, but they think they’re too cool for a lot of the activities that we do in class. So I just say, “oh should we just write sentences instead?” And then they freak out and get really into it. But it’s nice teaching level 3 because they’re more advanced and they understand a lot more, so I can actually talk to them and make jokes and they know what I’m saying.

We’re preparing for the end of year spectacle, the performance at the end of every semester, and Miss Brooklyn and I decided to have our students perform High School Musical. The best movie in the world. They need to perform a 30-minute skit, and sing a couple of songs. Level 1 LOOOOOVES it! They get so into it and sing at the top of their lungs. Maya, the girl who is playing Sharpay, absolutely looooves being in the spotlight, so she really shines in the role of Sharpay. Level 2 doesn’t show much emotion with it. Alex (my favorite student), plays Troy. He pretended to hate it at first, but once he started learning his solo, he LOOOOOVED it! He belted out every line even though he is completely tone deaf. Level 3 actually likes it surprisingly! They have a lot of fun with it and they’re all very happy with the roles they got.

As frustrating as it gets, I love all of these students. They all hold a special place in my heart and I don’t know how I am going to leave them in four weeks. Like Karina, because she has a tough time speaking but she loves to learn and she always brings me treats in class. Or Lukas, because he is so shy but he is the sweetest boy I have ever met. Alex, because he’s one of the naughty kids, but I let him get away with it because he’s so dang funny and I can’t stop laughing. And Dora, because she loves English class and she is probably the best student we’ve got.

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