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Counting down

The countdown has officially begun! I am leaving for Lithuania in 2 months! I am so excited to start this adventure next semester, and I can't wait to get out of my comfort zone and experience a different life and culture! But I can't pretend that I'm not scared out of my mind. It's terrifying to think about leaving my family and friends for four months. It's going to be so hard, and I'm going to miss them so much, but thank goodness for technology right?!

As excited as I am, I'm also starting to stress about all the things I still need to do to prepare. I have already filled out all of my travel documents and gotten my flight itinerary, now it's basically just down to packing and collecting any donations! If any of you would like to donate anything to the schools just let me know! They are in need of basic school supplies like crayons, pencils, pipe cleaners, and art supplies. All other donations can be made through my gofundme page.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me prepare, supported me, and donated! I really appreciate it!!

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