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Hello from Lithuania!

Welcome to Vilnius, Lithuania! Where everytime you step outside your eyelashes freeze and you feel like you're in the Ice Age. But the people are warm so it's ok :) I can't believe I'm really here! We arrived on Thursday afternoon and everyone else got settled into the apartment while I was taken to my host family! They are some of the nicest people I have ever met! The mom and dad, Jane and Pavel, were very welcoming and very warm. And they two adorable and very energetic kids! A daughter named Olivia, and a son named Leo. They are so sweet and LOVE giving hugs! Leo doesn't speak any English so he just says "hi" over and over again! And Olivia LOVES having all of the attention on her! She is definitely not a shy child! I love them already!

After we arrived and got a couple days of rest, a few of us girls decided to go into Old Town. And we got very lost. We walked to the bus stop and we were supposed to hop on the number 7 bus that was supposed to go into the city, but instead we just hopped on the first bus that came! It was definitely not the number 7 bus. It took us in the opposite direction! After realizing that a few stops later, we jumped off and started walking back. We knew we had to catch a bus to get to the city center, but none of us could read any of the signs! Eventually, we asked a nice old lady which bus to take and she kindly pointed us in the right direction. And we found it! It was SO BEAUTIFUL! It looked like a fairy tale. It was so historic and old, and everything was covered in fresh, white snow. We didn't get to spend too much time there, but that's ok because I'l be living here for four months :)

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